Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quarter 4: CC#2 - 72,000 Ladybugs Released

Fox New's reporter Marc Lallanilla in his article entitled "72,000 Ladybugs Released in Mall of America" shares the rationale for such a decision.

Inside this seven-Yankee-Stadium-sized mall, aphids "thrive," eating on the "30,000 live plants, including about 400 trees."  With all the natural beauty comes other creatures, not so lovely, threatening the natural setting the mall directors have created at this nationally known mall.  Thus, unseen by the many shoppers, is the enemy, as it advances, launching its own attack.

Ladybugs to the rescue!  According to Lallanilla,  "ladybugs...are valued by gardeners for their habit of eating pests like aphids...sort of a biological defense system."  Utilizing ladybugs results in not having to use pesticides, which could also result in negative side effects on the mall visitors, as they purchase snacks and meals during their shopping excursions.  These cute little friends feed on pests, resulting in a win-win situation:  no more aphids and a spot...or two...of color here and there.

Reporter Lallanilla further notes, "Though some shoppers have complained that the ladybugs might fly onto food, a mall spokesperson noted that the insects tend to spend their lives on plants, not human food."      The added benefits of a cleaner atmosphere, due to the many plants and trees, do far outweigh the minor insignificance of a few flying ladybugs. Right?

Ladybugs are just cute, often the theme of birthday parties and little girls' bedrooms.  Many of us recall cute songs such as this one.  But 72,000 of them?  While this seems like such a astronomical figure, we must remember the size of this Yankee Stadiums!

In honor of Earth Day on April 22, here's to saving our earth...well,'s to saving the plants and trees in Mall of America.  Carry on, dear Ladies!

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