Wednesday, November 18, 2020

2.1 For What I Am Most Grateful

NOTE:  As I attempt to complete most assignments WITH my students, I, too, will attempt the following.  Hummm...wonder if I could divide my number in half?!  Would still out-number their noun list!


Listed below, in no certain order, are the number of nouns (which happens to equate to my age) for which I am most thankful (please, check out the commentary by each!):

  1. Even Block 2!  :)  Yes!  All here today!  Bless them!
  2. Diet Dr. Pepper:  This drink...what an amazing elixir...on which I may be dependent to ensure my day begins without a rip-roaring headache!
  3. Books:  Seriously!  This one should be on everyone's list!  As a matter of fact, this would be great blog post to list our favorite books!  Yay!  What a great idea!  In the meantime, here's a list to all the books I have far...this year!
  4. Masks!  That's right!  Keep your germs to yourself!  Don't want them.  Don't need them.  AND I certainly do not want to inhale them!  PLUS, I do like to color-coordinate mine!  AND I already have two purchased for the Christmas season!  Yay!
  5. My PLC:  an amazing group of ladies with whom to work.  So gifted.  So knowledgeable.  So caring.
  6. My hallway worker bees!  What a blessing they are, constantly buzzing about the so many topics on which we have an opinion.  Hardly a day goes by but our text group is not alive with the hum of the many thoughts!  We range in age from 29-50+, yet age seems not to matter...or at times is the most important aspect, depending on the topic and advice needed.  I am blessed.
  7. Even Block 6!  Yay!  They are here.  Well...most of them.  Even Ricky and Cullan.  Especially Danica, the giver of the best snow globes...and just look at them, so wanting to be distracted so they will not have to work.  That's right, Austin, for you!  I will keep that snow globe quiet.  Ahhh... Yes!
  8. Austin.  Seriously!  The one who thinks he can outsmart me.  I.  Don't.  Think. So.  Challenge on!  Everyone needs a challenger.
  9. Trace.  Really?  Thanks for explaining when my explanation needs some assistance!
  10. 7th Hour Eng 11!  We sure miss all those who are not with us today...and we wish them to all be safe!
  11. Karlie and Chase!  They showed up for my Google Meet...and put up with me!  Yay!
  12. 1 Eng 11:  One just has to love the Peanut Gallery.  Yes.  Definitely. must still love the music of Snow Globes!  Now, for all of those at home...still sleeping...or eating their breakfasts...hummmm...hope they do not get any further behind. 
  13. My Man!  Today is Anniversary #16!  Best years of my life!  Please ask me what he bought me for my wedding anniversary!  Why thank you for asking!  Another Seiko watch!  This one is solar powered.  That is quite unique!  I love it...and him!  (Insert heart bubbles here!)
  14. Fall and Thanksgiving Break!  Give it up for celebrating a week off from school!  Brett, I hear your mental happy dance!  I, also, very much enjoy the colors and decoration of this time of the year. Scarecrows are my favorite, quickly followed by happy pumpkins...and, yes, pumpkin spice coffee!  I wait for months for this flavor to return; therefore, when this scrumptious flavor arrives, I drink it for three months! (Yes, ready to return to hazelnut after that!)
  15. Nova Joes and Salted Caramel Hot Latte.  I actually have a like/dislike relationship going on with this new business across the street.  For some reason about 3:30, an extreme urge overcomes me to travel across five lanes of traffic to partake of this deliciousness.  Sometimes, I make the right decision...other times, I make the right decision.
  16. 3 Eng 11:  Thankful for one of the quietest classes I have ever had. BUT!  They are slowly becoming more talkative!  Yay!
  17. Lotion:  That time of the year when the hands need a little more moisture!  LOVE Bath and Body flavors, of course! (Rona, go away!   Once upon a time, my classroom was arranged in tables...with baskets on each that contained lotion...mainly for the boys, believe it or not!)
  18. Colored Ink Pins:  Thanks to my friends Lyndsey and Rochelle (one day I want to grow up and be just like them!), I now attempt to collect pens with various colors of ink (had always been quite happy with blue, black,...and, occasionally, red).
  19. Teacher Cadets:  This class has decreased in number, but I so appreciate their energy for whatever assignment on which we are currently working.
  20. Amazing Admin Team:  That's right!  Funny and supportive and diligent and caring...and...the list goes on.
  21. Deirdra and Her Cookie-Making Abilities:  Received another batch...this time in the form of bees from my Secret Pal!  Yum!  (Yes, I shared some with kiddos)!
  22. The Front Office:  This group should begin their own TV show...or YouTube Channel...always having fun!  AND always the most helpful!  A great group of people who love kids.
  23. ALA Board:  What an amazing group of literacy leaders!  They inspire me, motivate me, encourage me...and this week, they sent me the most beautiful arrangement of flowers!  Wow!
  24. An Ear to Hear with which to play the piano!  I really enjoy playing the way...or is it God's way?!  If I hear a song long enough, I can play it.  The fingers just seem to know where to go.  Really a miracle, I would think, for the less I think about what I am playing, the more I can play the keys.
  25. Mom:  for getting so tired of hearing me "pretend" to play the piano and for showing me the basics.
  26. My Parents:  Who raised me the right way...sometimes the tough way...but definitely the right way.  To love the be a Friel.
  27. Bass Pro:  That destination was the goal of The Man and my day trip.  A great time we had on this first day of Thanksgiving Week!
  28. Amanda:  Who inspired me to begin choosing a Bible verse a month.  What a blessing this has been!  Thank you, Amanda!
  29. The Three Js:  My siblings...Judy, Janet, and Joe.  We make a great team.  Glad to have them on my side!
  30. Lyon College Methods Class:  I taught/led this class again this year...another way that I am ever learning!  AND always great to meet the oncoming newbies!  
  31. Book Clubs:  Oh, my goodness!  I have read more books that I would never have experienced and lived via the pages had I not joined several book clubs!  Besides meeting and greeting with the attendees (of course!) and gaining more lifelong friends and family, reading a diverse stack of books over the years has been the greatest reward of these meetings.
  32. Pumpkin Spiced Coffee:  My very favorite fall flavor...although I am learning that Salted Caramel is quite scrumptious!  See case you have forgotten!  As I am enjoying this flavor at this precise moment,  I will sing and enjoy its flavor!  
  33. Meeting of the Minds:  This group began meeting when some of us gained other positions and some of them retired and some wanted to continue hanging out.  Therefore, once a month we gather somewhere and social distance and chat.  Remembering and sharing...and maintaining that important connection.  Special they are to me!
  34. My Church Fam:  God blessed me with them years ago, for He knew just who I would need as I would go through my lowest valleys and who would be there to celebrate my mountain tops!  I appreciate them very much, for they have interceded more times for me and mine that I really want to remember, and I know they will do so again.  Thank you!
  35. Barns:  My Man built me one over the weekend for my Christmas mantle; then, I decided why wait?!  We are now enjoying it amongst my fall decorations this week!
  36. Quilting:  Waiting on me now are several I have started.  I miss working on these with my mother-in-law.  I just miss having the time to work on them. day.
  37. Kaiser:  the family dog...who, for some reason, likes me the most!  Seriously!
  38. Social Media...what an awesome way to keep up with family and friends.  No gossip.  Just the facts.  Truly.  Seriously!
  39. Technology:  the tool that keeps us keeping on during COVID and enables me to do what I do.
  40. Vintage Trucks:  They drove into my life at the perfect time.  So many, too, have gifted me these happy toys.  Fun!
  41. Bible Study:  Over five years ago, I felt to begin a Bible Study...and what a blessing these studies have been.  Amazing how timely they have been.
  42. Bible Study Ladies:  Without fail, this group of ladies bless me every time we gather.  Every time!
  43. Decorating:  What fun to transform...and to reminisce over items from season to season.  Precious memories!  This weekend, we decorated part of our yard with Christmas items we have designed.
  44. Painting:  My husband will make just about anything I ask...and sometimes helps with the painting (especially when life is just too busy).  Our latest project...Christmas trees for the mantle.  Nice!
  45. Knockout rose bushes:  One just cannot have too many of them!  AND they have bloomed again in November.  (Surely, this means we will have a very nice snow this winter...right?!)
  46. Blogging:  A student reminded me that I have been keeping up with books I have read on my book blog...since 2009.  Yes, I do enjoy blogging...again, when time allows.  (This one is taking me a few days...actually, over a week...must be my age!)
  47. Lesson planning:  This, I very much, the grading side of this...not so much!
  48. Book series:  I love to wait until a series finishes and, then, read them all straight through.  Total immersion!  Fun!  Now, with December upon us, I will bring out some Christmas novels, some to reread, some still waiting for me to read.  AND, the greatest series of all, the Bible, His Word.  Will finish this be begin again!
  49. Dollar General in Sulphur Rock:  My most favorite store.  How did we ever get by without one!?
  50. Virtual Students:  Because of them, I am ever learning!  I so appreciate the ones who are so diligent to complete their work.  Keep on keeping on!
  51. Julie and Daniel and the Three Grands:  Because of them I am a Tam-Tam!
  52. Nathan and Heidi:  Another Mrs. Gillmore in the family!  Awesome! 
  53. Holly:  My first and only born...who, through her, Jesus has taught me faith.  This, I always encourage those going through a test to pray for in abundance.
  54. YOU!  For reading to the end!  Thank you!

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