Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19...and Mrs. Gillmore's Thoughts

UPdate:  April 2, 2020 - Quarantine Day 17 - AMI Day 8
This morning, I updated my website pages for Eng 11 and Oral Com...and then headed out for Wal-Mart grocery I no longer want to adventure into places with too many people.  Bless those Wal-Mart workers!  I offered four a mask...and three said no.  Why?!  Do they not watch the news?!  This is still going to get so much worse before IT gets better.

Later today, I will venture out again to deliver masks.  These are for some EMTs...and some of you!  As I have chatted with you, I have asked some who I knew who had jobs that dealt with he public if you would like mask.  Some have said, "Yes!"  Smart kids!  Yay!  (See pic below of the superhero mask they will receive...with a slight modification, as I am running out of elastic and am switching to ribbon...when the ribbon runs out (have 1,200 yards!), then I will switch to t-shirt ties. Yes...I am sure I will be making this for a quite a while longer.)

Yesterday, I turned my calendar to foolin'...and was sad when I noticed all the upcoming events that I will not attend or participate in.  Day after day...week after week...  Here's hoping that warming of weather (the virus does not like heat!) will find us being able to get back to our former normal!  Right!?

UPdate:  March 30, 2020
Spring Break 2020 has concluded...during which we experienced quite the unique week off, including...
  • I have now made 75 masks for #WorkWarriors...those people who have to keep working, those essential workers.  My numbers are very low according to what many others have made.  I have chosen to work solo...and not together with a couple of church friends.  Why?  I do not want to be the reason that any person gets sick.
    • This means then that I...
      • wash the material and flannel lining,
      • cut the material to size,
      • put the four pieces and the elastic together and sew right sides together,
      • turn the material and iron in the pleats,
      • sew around the edges,
      • individually bag and deliver to #WorkWarriors.
    • Read a few books!  Yay!

UPdate:  March 21, 2020

The surreal-ness continues.  Today, on the first day of Spring Break, I visited Marshalls to purchase material and elastic to make face masks for medical personnel due to there being such a shortage because of the pandemic need for them.

While there, I found ten yards of Batman material...for just a $1 a yard.  A win-win!

Now, that the material has been washed and is drying, I will begin cutting and sewing.  Just surreal times in which we are living.

UPdate:  March 20, 2020

My daughter continues to go to work.  I continue to pray for she works as a pharmacy tech and is an assistant manager at a local gas station...and is a full-time college student.

Last evening she text before heading home, "They saved me a package of toilet paper!"

Let's talk irony...for never in my life would I have thought that something such as toilet paper would be so valued.  Seriously.

Let's talk symbolism.  Why does toilet paper symbolize to us?  The comfortable life to which we have grown so used?  No shortage exists; the delivery trucks just cannot transport enough in a timely manner.

March 17, 2020

Never, in all my many short years, would I have dreamed this occurring within our school, town, county, state, nation, world!  Ever. I distancing myself from my students...who so need to be social distancing themselves from each that seems to be the answer for the passing of this very attention-seeking virus!

Since Christmas I have so wanted to use these amazing gifts entitled AMI days...for snow, ice...even the flu days that seemingly all our neighboring schools were able to use...but, no, this was not to be in our destiny...or so I thought, until...until along came the nasty virus.

Now...I would rather NOT have to use these days.  I am so over this COVID-19.  Shame on it for disrupting our world...literally.

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